Let my beauty not be rooted
In the things that eyes can see
In the fragile human notions
Of what loveliness should be
Let my beauty not be frivolous
Like homes with costly things
That whisper, “do not touch.”
For they exist just to be seen
Let my beauty not be temporal
Like mist that fades away
For to chase this kind of beauty
Is to run and strive in vain
Let my beauty not be catered
To a world with broken eyes
For it sees through a glass dimly
While you dwell in marvelous light
You have said “Look up, my daughter
And behold my glorious face.
Those who look to me are radiant
And will not be ashamed.”
Perhaps the truly beautiful
Are those with calloused hands
Those whose love is tangible
In eyes that understand
That loveliness is something
Born of mercy, meant to sing
Oh perhaps authentic beauty
Is a cultivated thing
So Lord, let me be beautiful
Not because I please the eyes
But because I bear a radiance
That comes from knowing Christ
Lord, let me be beautiful
In the kindness of my gaze
In the soft and tender sweetness
Of my voice lifted in praise
Lord, let me be beautiful
Before this life is past
In all the ways that matter, Lord
In all the ways that last